

Ultrasound imaging (sonography) is a fast and non-invasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create live images of the working structures of the body. These images help doctors get a closer look at the tissues and organs inside the body in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

During an ultrasound exam, a probe called a transducer is placed directly on the skin or inside the body. Gel is applied to the skin so that the ultrasound waves can be transmitted from the transducer through the gel into the body. This fast, non-invasive procedure uses high-frequency sound waves that bounce off structures within the body to create echoes that are transformed into images.

While ultrasound images are not as detailed as those gathered from CT (computerized tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, they are good at capturing images of certain soft-tissue diseases that are hard to find with an X-ray.

An ultrasound is painless and requires very little preparation for the patient. In addition, unlike X-ray imaging, there is no radiation exposure associated with ultrasound imaging, making it suitable for pregnancy wellness scans.

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